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Agrimony - Agrimonia eupatoria

1 Oz

The ancients ascribed this herb to Jupiter in Cancer, probably due to its healing effects on the digestive system. The bitter principles of Agrimony are well suited for treating indigestion and mild diarrhea, but they are even more useful for afflictions of the liver and gallbladder. It is considered an excellent blood cleanser that tones the entire digestive system and aids the assimilation of food. In the old days, it was often used as a spring tonic and blood cleanser, effective in clearing skin of eruptions caused by liver congestion and sluggish digestion.

Agrimony is also most useful for flushing out kidney gravel and uric acid deposits in conditions such arthritis and gout.
It is anti-inflammatory and styptic and can be used to stop internal bleeding or to dress external wounds, which is a use that goes back to Anglo Saxon times and continued in France, where it served as one of the ingredients of 'arquebusade water.' This was a special concoction applied to wounds that were incurred by a type of firearm known as 'arquebus.'
Native Americans successfully used it to treat fevers, while Europeans employed it in herbal teas for colds and coughs, especially if accompanied by sore throat and hoarseness.

It's essential to refrain from using metal tools when gathering or preparing Agrimony for magical purposes. If collected on St. John's Day (or Solstice) it may be used as an amulet to attract a lover. In the Middle Ages, it was also believed to be effective for curing snake bites and that, if placed under the head, it was thought to induce a deep and heavy sleep. In Germany, Agrimony was highly revered for its protective properties and is often mentioned as an ingredient of the sacred 'nine herb bundle', which was used as a panacea for practically all kinds of physical or metaphysical afflictions.

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