American Mandrake (Mayapple) - Podophyllum peltatum

1 Oz

American Mandrake is indigenous to North America, and was once a traditional Native American remedy. Today, the very potent root is only used in external preparations for skin health and in wart preparations.

Modern medicine has found compounds in the rhizome that are useful against cancer and it is used in the treatment of genital warts and skin cancers in Asia.

It is also under study for use against dropsy, dyspepsia, biliousness, and various liver conditions.

The whole plant, apart from the ripe fruit, is highly poisonous in large doses. American Mandrake herb produces nausea and vomiting, and even inflammation of the stomach and intestines, which has been known to prove fatal. In moderate doses, it is a drastic purgative with some cholagogue action.

Do not use while pregnant, nursing or trying to conceive.

Mandrake root is a legendary herb once believed to have magical powers because of its phosphorescent properties – the early morning dew sometimes gives the plant a glowing pale light


The root is used in powerful protective magic. Mayapple is extremely irritating to the eyes and Mayapple root is used in spells to keep things (like diaries, books of shadows, etc.) hidden from prying eyes. The powder can be sprinkled around the storage area or on the object itself, or around the perimeter of an area where you do not wish to be disturbed. (Remember that Mayapple is a topical poison while doing this. Take care not to let the powder sit on your skin or come in contact with your eyes.)

Kept in a high place in the home, Mayapple root is said to draw prosperity to the home and protect it from bad luck.

This herb is commonly used as a substitution in spells calling for European Mandrake (mandragora)
  • Availability: 15 In Stock