Loose Herbs

Loose Herbs
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Agrimony - Agrimonia eupatoria

The ancients ascribed this herb to Jupiter in Cancer, probably due to its healing effects on the digestive system. The bitter principles of Agrimony are well suited for treating indigestion and mild diarrhea, but they are even more useful for afflictions of the liver and gallbladder. It is considered an excellent blood cleanser that tones the entire digestive system and aids the assimilation of food. In the old days, it was often used as a spring tonic and blood cleanser, effective in clearing skin of eruptions caused by liver congestion and sluggish digestion.

Agrimony is also most useful for flushing out kidney gravel and uric acid deposits in conditions such arthritis and gout.
It is anti-inflammatory and styptic and can be used to stop internal bleeding or to dress external wounds, which is a use that goes back to Anglo Saxon times and continued in France, where it served as one of the ingredients of 'arquebusade water.' This was a special concoction applied to wounds that were incurred by a type of firearm known as 'arquebus.'
Native Americans successfully used it to treat fevers, while Europeans employed it in herbal teas for colds and coughs, especially if accompanied by sore throat and hoarseness.

It's essential to refrain from using metal tools when gathering or preparing Agrimony for magical purposes. If collected on St. John's Day (or Solstice) it may be used as an amulet to attract a lover. In the Middle Ages, it was also believed to be effective for curing snake bites and that, if placed under the head, it was thought to induce a deep and heavy sleep. In Germany, Agrimony was highly revered for its protective properties and is often mentioned as an ingredient of the sacred 'nine herb bundle', which was used as a panacea for practically all kinds of physical or metaphysical afflictions.

1 Oz
Althaea (Marshmallow Leaf) - Althaea officinalis

Of all the Mallows, Marshmallow was the most highly respected species and the one most commonly used for medicinal purposes. The whole herb including roots, leaves, flowers and seeds are useful and edible and in previous times were regularly eaten as vegetables. Indeed, in Italy and Spain it was held that a daily draft of Mallow tea would preserve one against any illness at all!
While this sounds a little bit too good to be true, Mallows do soothe a great variety of conditions and are worth remembering. Not everybody likes their mucilaginous texture though, when prepared as food, except when it comes in the form of Marshmallow candy.
However, Mallow is said to stimulate a different sort of appetite: Mallow seeds sprinkled on the private parts increase the sexual appetite of men, while eating the seeds is said to act as an aphrodisiac for women, which is not surprising since Marshmallow is a herb of Venus.
The overall character of this herb is cooling and soothing, which it achieves by virtue of the high mucilage content.
For internal use Marshmallow should not be boiled or even infused with boiling water since this destroys the mucilaginous properties. Instead the tea is prepared by cold water extraction. Place a tablespoon of the herb or root in a cup and cover with cold water. Leave to infuse over night. Strain and gently heat up the liquid, but do not allow simmering.

Marshmallow leaves can be used externally as a cooling, soothing, anti-inflammatory plaster, or applied as a healing wash to inflamed or irritated skin. They can be applied to any boils or sores, or other types of hardened swellings. Rubbed on insect bites and swellings they will take away the sting and heat. The ancients claimed that they are effective against the bites of any venomous beast. The softening qualities are excellent for skin care preparations, e.g. as an addition to bathwater or in home made cosmetic preparations. They can cool sore or inflamed eyelids when applied as a compress, or may be used as a gargle for sore throat or inflammatory conditions of the mouth or abscesses. The leaves are a common ingredient of cough mixtures and will greatly aid expectoration and soothe a dry, hacking cough, or one that just doesn't want to go away. Mallow leaves are equally soothing in cases of bladder /urinary inflammation and will soothe the burning sensation of passing water.

Mallow is cooling and soothing, yet due to its mucilage properties it is also useful for stimulating the heat of passion. It can be used as an aphrodisiac and for fertility rites. It has also been added to incense mixtures for protection against disease, to enhance fertility and ensure the easy delivery of healthy children.

1 Oz
Arnica - Arnica montana

Arnica is masculine in nature and associated with Midsummer, the harvest and harvest spirits. It is sacred to Freya, Ra and Apollo. It is aligned with the sun and the element of fire.

To drive away thunderstorms burn arnica and say "Set arnica alight, set arnica alight, thunderstorm take flight."
Arnica can be used in general protective rituals as well as rituals for fertility of crops.
Arnica can be planted around an area to keep a spirit from entering or leaving. It will only work until the plant dies back in the fall


Arnica is topically soothing and aids healing in bruises and sprains and should be applied as quickly as possible after the injury occurs to aid healing. it can be infused into massage oils for use before and after strenuous physical exercise to prevent muscle aches and strains. It is great for muscle aches of all sorts (including PMS) as it reduces inflammation and soothes pain. Arnica actually reduces clotting, however, and does not speed the disappearance of bruises, merely soothes the pain.

It should never be applied to open wounds, rashes or any broken skin. However, a compress of the flowers and roots can be applied in a compress over a bandaged wound to relieve pain and aid in healing. A hot compress can also be applied to aching, arthritic joints and wrists afflicted with carpal tunnel syndrome.

A good salve mix for bumps, bruises and sprains is witch hazel, comfrey and arnica.

Some people are allergic to this plant and repeated or continuous use can cause some people to develop an allergy to it.
Use with caution and only for first aid purposes. Use something else for daily maintenance.
If you are allergic to any other member of the Compositae family (ragweed, for example) you are probably allergic to arnica!
If you allow yourself to develop an allergy to arnica through overuse, you will most likely develop allergies to other members of the Compositae family as well.

Do not take arnica internally. It can cause intestinal irritation, inflames the mucus membranes, and affects blood pressure and heart rate. Even a small amount can kill you or, failing that, cause permanent damage to your heart.
1 Oz
Atropa Belladonna - Herb
"Beautiful Lady" is the translation of this very misunderstood herb... Belladona aka "Deadly Nightshade" is a member of the Solanaceae family (Nightshades) it has garnered a bit of an interesting reputation over the years but the fact remains it is at its core an herb and one that can be used for healing as well as harming.

Culpepper has this to say: It is of a cold nature; in some it causeth sleep; in others madness, and, shortly after, death. – Culpeper’s Complete Herbal

So what exactly is the deal with it?
According to WebMD, the way belladonna works is that it has chemicals that block nervous system functions. Belladonna was in the past used in small doses as a sedative, to ease bronchial spasms and as a cold and allergy remedy. It's found in remedies for ointments used for joint pain, sciatica and nerve pain. It's been used to control excessive sweating and been found in hemorrhoid suppositories. It's currently being explored in its potential for treating Parkinson’s, nerve problems and some other conditions.

The medicinal biochemical in belladonna is known as atropine. This tropane alkaloid is extracted from belladonna and a few other plants in the Solanaceae family. According to the World Health Organization it's an important ingredient in many pharmaceuticals. It's used in anesthesia to decrease mucous secretions and keep the heart pumping normally.

Atropine is used as a poison treatment because it can block or reverse some of the more adverse effects of certain medicines and pesticides. It's ironic how nature works in letting us derive a poison antidote from a highly poisonous plant.It's also used in medicines to dilate the pupils. In fact, this particular use may be how the plant got its name belladonna, which means “beautiful woman” – young ladies of ancient Rome would use it to dilate the pupils to make their eyes alluring and bewitching

The name “Atropa” is from “Atropos”, one of the Greek Fates. It is she who would cut the thread when it was time to end a man’s life.

Because of its toxic nature, belladonna has been used in many death potions, hexes and curses. It's closely associated with the underworld, and used to consecrate and charge tools used to commune with spirits, or in incenses to attract the dead (never burn belladonna indoors and never directly inhale-- in fact, it's best to skip it and use a safer alternative).Belladonna was also occasionally found in beauty spells and potions. There's a legend from the Middle Ages that says the plant was actually an enchanted being and on certain nights it would transform into a beautiful woman who would then lure men to their deaths.

The most well-known use by far, however, is its use as an ingredient in so-called ‘flying ointments’. Folklore tells us these ointments were used by Witches to fly on sticks (or more modernly, broomsticks); however, in reality it is suspected that these ointments were used by ancient shamans and Witches to induce a trance state and astral projection-- a whole different type of 'flying'.

Some say that it was applied vaginally by use of a broomstick handle-- though I question that claim. First because witches weren't even associated with brooms (look at all the paintings and sketches pre-18th century; they're on sticks, not brooms). Second, because it just sounds like an awkward way to apply a lotion.

A lot of these flying ointment recipes have survived until today, with other poisons such as datura and henbane. I recommend you do not use them as these plants can make you permanently mad (if they don't kill you first). There are much safer alternatives to promote astral projection.

In Christian folklore, the devil loved belladonna so much he would guard it most of the year. The only safe time to harvest or kill the plant without enduring his wrath was on May Eve, when he was called away for the 'witches sabbats'.

By some accounts, belladonna was sacred to Bellona, the Roman Goddess of war. This may be another possible root of the plant’s name. Priests of Bellona would drink a belladonna infusion before prayers and meditations-- which no doubt gave them a number of visions (mostly hallucinations, I’m guessing).

By other accounts, it was sacred to Circe, an enchantress or (in some depictions) a Goddess of magic, who was widely known for her expertise with potions and herbs. She was known for using her herbs to transform people who crossed her into animals. If you've read the Odyssey of Homer, the crew comes across Circe's island in their travels. She feeds them but it's laced with potions that turns them into swine.

NOTE: Atropa is Poisonous.... Medicinal information is included as historical use... do not ingest!
1 Oz
Bay Leaf (whole) - Laurus nobilis

NOTE: 1/2 Oz Increment!

Medicinally, the leaves of the Laurus Nobilis tree, also known as Sweet Laurel, have been used since the ancient times to treat problems associated with the liver, stomach, and kidneys. They were also used for treating bee and wasp stings. Nowadays, herbalists use bay leaves for treating various health complaints.

Here are some ways in which bay leaves are used today: Coughs & Colds: Placing a cloth soaked in water in which bay leaves have been boiled provides relief from cough, cold, bronchitis and chest infections.

  • Fever: Bay leaves infusion promotes sweating, breaking a fever, and flu symptoms.
  • Digestion: Bay leaves are used for treatment of digestive disorders. They reduce flatulence.
  • Diabetes:
    A study was conducted by the Department of Human Nutrition, Pakistan, to test the effect of bay leaf on type 2 diabetes. Forty people with type 2 diabetes were chosen for the study. They were divided into four groups and each group was given different quantities of bay leaf. At the end of the 30-day study, it was observed that all the subjects showed a marked increase in serum glucose. The conclusion was that using bay leaf reduces risk of cardiovascular diseases and Type 2 diabetes.
    A similar study was conducted at the Department of Medical Technology, Zarqa Private University, Jordan. Similar to the above study, all subjects showed a remarkable decrease in levels of plasma glucose. Bad cholesterol levels also dropped. The conclusion of this study was that bay leaf not only improves insulin function, but also reduces cardiovascular disease risks.
  • Magical:
    Sacred to Apollo, god of healing, poetry, music, light, prophecy, and surprisingly, plague. It is sometimes called Daphne because of the ancient Greek story featuring Apollo. The nymph Daphne was the daughter of the earth, Gaia, and the river, Peneus. She admired the goddess Diana and, like her, enjoyed the woods and hunting. She refused all suitors and wished to remain unmarried, as Diana did. Her father supported her in this. Apollo fell in love with her, but she did not want him. The more he pursued her, the more she ran from him. When he was about to catch her, she asked her father the river for help, and he turned her into a bay tree. Apollo said that if he could not have her for his love, he would have at least the leaves of the tree to decorate his harp and wear as a crown. That's why in ancient times, crowns for military victors were made of bay leaves.

    It was used to roof the Temple at Delphi, which was the location of the famous oracle. In modern times, people will inhale the scent of these burning leaves is said to help increase psychic ability. Witches often stuff dream pillows with bay to help encourage divinatory dreams.

    This herb makes a nice incense when mixed either with sandalwood (Mercury) or with other Sun substances like frankincense or cedar.

    Because of bay leaves' association with love, they are also combined with various other herbs to make a handfasting incense, and it is said to attract lovers, especially men, probably because of the myth about Daphne.

    You can make a good oil for dressing candles or blessing musical instruments (which are ruled by Apollo) by crumpling or grinding the herb and infusing them in Sun-warmed oil (sunflower would be a nice Sun oil to use--add a couple drops of vitamin E to help preserve it). Bay leaves are protective of the home and person (when worn as an amulet).

    During the waxing moon, wishes can be written on the leaves, which are then burned on the Full Moon to empower the wish.

    1/2 Oz
    Bee pollen

    Harvested from a low-pesticide use area, hand-cleaned and bagged for shipment. There is no heat applied and no mechanical processing done to this product, thus it can be considered a raw food. Bee pollen is pure and natural plant pollen collected by honeybees. It is nutritious and has a sweet flavor. Our bee pollen is kosher certified and non-irradiated.

    Enhances energy levels, Boosts athletic performance & stamina, Seasonal sensitivity support

    Magical uses of Bee Pollen include friendship, attraction, love, strength, happiness, and overcoming depression.

    1 Oz
    Betony (Heal All) - Stachys officinalis

    A humble, and common herb of the Mint family, it is difficult to comprehend the ancient's adoration for this herb. Culpeper recommends it for practically every disease under the sun and a little pamphlet dedicated to Wood Betony ascribed to Antony Musa, Caesar Augustus' personal physician, mentions its use for no less than 47 diseases. (However, some doubt the author's identity and deem the text to be much younger). Popular sayings, such as 'Sell your coat and buy betony' (Italy) are also widespread and it was widely believed that a house where Betony grew was protected against all evil, particularly that arising from snakes.

    In modern herbalism Betony is somewhat less revered. It is used for its strengthening and toning properties, particularly for the nervous system and the head. Thus it is indicated for migraines, headache, nervous debility, anxiety and tension. It is astringent and useful for external application to bites, stings, minor wounds and bruises. Internally it stimulates the circulation and is said to be useful for head colds. It was also used for poor digestion and heartburn as well as women's problems such as menopausal hot flashes etc. Children who for some reason fail to thrive, were also said to benefit from this herb.

    Betony is an herb of protection, especially against scary visions, nightmares and fantasies. It is also said to protect against snakes and is sometimes planted around the house for this purpose. It is also mentioned in connection with love magic, in particular to protect against the unwanted effects of love charms.

    1 Oz
    Birch Leaf - Betula alba

    The graceful birch, lady of the woods, is one of the most sacred trees of northern European traditions. Especially in Scandinavian countries it is deemed as a tree of life. In Britain it is considered sacred to the Maiden Goddess Bridha /Bridget, the shining one who guards over the waters of life. Birch indeed has an affinity with water. Despite its fragile appearance it is a tough and resilient tree, a pioneer tree that fearlessly populates even quite inhospitable places, bogs and swamps where few other trees would set root.

    Magically, birch is highly regarded for its life-giving properties. Birch twigs are hung over the stable doors to protect the cattle and ensure the flow of milk. A broom fashioned from birch twigs has special magical powers that can clear out negative energies and to protect against the evil doings of witches.

    Folk-magical healing practices recommend birches to restore a failing manhood and to take away the aches and pains of rheumatism, gout and arthritis, usually by weaving a spell into its branches, thus transferring one's own suffering to the tree. The fact that birches were thought to protect against witchcraft did not stop witches from utilizing them for their own purposes and birches were a choice source material for their brooms. Today, the only relict of these ancient believes that has survived, is the custom of using birch as a May-tree, the ever popular symbol of fertility around which children still twine their symbolic dance of life.

    Birch's affinity with water is also responsible for its primary medicinal uses.

    Birch leaves are an excellent diuretic that can be used in all kinds of kidney and bladder trouble, as well as oedema and swelling of the joints. However, make sure to drink plenty of fluids at the same time. Birch flushes out toxins from the body and can also be used as a spring cleansing herb to rid the body of accumulated metabolic wastes, especially uric acid crystals. It is an excellent supportive remedy for rheumatism, arthritis and gout pains.

    Birch is sacred to the Maiden Goddess Bridha, the bringer of light. They convey fertility, female power and endurance in adversity, especially with regards to overcoming the growing pains of new beginnings. Birch can serve as a symbol of hope, light and energy that help us get through the dark times. Its affinity with water teaches us to let go of all that is hampering us and blocking our flow.

    1 Oz
    Black Mulberry Leaves - Morus nigra

    The mulberry has a long history of medicinal use in Chinese medicine, almost all parts of the plant are used in one way or another. The white mulberry (M. alba) is normally used, but this species has the same properties. Recent research has shown improvements in elephantiasis when treated with leaf extract injections and in tetanus following oral doses of the sap mixed with sugar.

    It acts as a Analgesic, emollient and sedative.

    The leaves are antibacterial, astringent, diaphoretic, hypoglycaemic, odontalgic, and ophthalmic. They are taken internally in the treatment of colds, influenza, eye infections and nosebleeds. The Leaves also are used in the treatment of Diabetes.(Type 2)

    1 Oz
    Black Nightshade - Solanum Spp

    Black nightshade is yet another member of the Nightshade family ... our Black Nightshade is wildcrafted.

    From Sarah Lawless:
    Ruling Deities: Hecate, Isis, Saturn, Hades

    Found wild in the woods, desolate spots, hedges, and wastelands, this nightshade is also poisonous, but the well-ripened berries are okay in very small amounts. Black Nightshades are not hallucinogenic. Black nightshade can be found as a food plant in India and Ethiopia although this is not recommended. Can be used as an offering for communion with the underworld spirits and gods.

    NOTE: leaves and roots emit toxic fumes when burned... use in a well ventilated area.

    Please Note: While considered edible if prepared correctly Black Nightshade does contain solanine which can be poisonous. Also tests the particular Black Nightshade we are selling (this is wildcrafted from an area where Atropa does not grow) in the past has shown positive for Atropine (the toxin found in Belladonna) therefore this sold as curio only


    1 Oz
    Black Walnut Leaf
    The black walnut is a native tree of North America. The genus name, juglans, is derived from two Latin words; lupiter, meaning Jupiter, and glans, meaning acorn. The literal translation is therefore "Jupiter's nuts".

    According to a Chaldean clay tablet, walnut groves were known to be in the hanging gardens of Babylon. Pliny the Elder (ca.23-79 C.E.) reported cultivation in Italy from trees that had been transported from countries farther east. In ancient Persia, only royalty were supposed to eat them, and they were even referred to as the "royal walnut". In America, there is archeological evidence that they were consumed and used by the Native Americans as far back as 2000 B.C.E. Black walnuts are smaller, harder, and more pungent than the English walnuts sold in grocery stores. The hulls without the meaty kernels inside are used in traditional herbalism. Black walnut trees exude a sap that discourages growth of competing plants over their roots.

    The leaves of black walnut being an astringent are most often used to treat hemorrhoids, they are also used as well to treat liver and gallbladder problems. In folk medicine, black walnut leaf was also given to relieve headache, hepatitis, and skin conditions.
    1 Oz Loose Bagged
    Blue Lotus Flowers - Nymphaea caerulea

    ***Sold as Curio / Incense Only***

    Blue Lotus (Nymphaea Caerulea) is also known as Blue Water Lily and the Sacred Lily of the Nile. In the ancient temples of Egypt, there is hardly a monument to be found that doesn’t prominently display the Blue Lotus flower. It’s seen everywhere on pillars, thrones, stone alters, papyrus scrolls, and on the ceremonial headdresses of pharaohs. When they opened Tutankhamun’s tomb, even King Tut’s mummy was covered in what has become known as the Sacred Lily of the Nile.

    Known as Nymphaea Caerulea or the Blue Water Lily, it symbolized creation and rebirth as it emerged from its primordial waters to bloom once a year for only 3 days. The plant was associated with the sun-god Ra as the bringer of light and the embodiment of the “perfection of wisdom.”

    The plant, a natural sedative, originate from along the Nile River, in Egypt. For thousands of years it was used by the native people as part of religious ceremonies in which they would use these sacred blue flowers to reach higher levels of consciousness. During third century, it was introduced to the conquering Greeks who in turn exported it to far regions of the world.

    In addition to it’s use in perfumes, it is still used today as a mild sedative. According to Egyptian legend, it was such a good sedative that it was given to sun god Ra in an effort to sooth him as he grew old. The medicinal benefits of Blue Lotus stem largely from the sedative properties of the plant. It can use as a sleep aid, as a natural anti-anxiety remedy, and as a stress reliever. Blue Lotus contains nuciferan (a natural anti-spasmodic) along with aporphine, which will give you feelings of calming euphoria.

    There are also reports of its use as a treatment for gastrointestinal problems. Diarrhea and dyspepsia, among other things, have reportedly been helped by ingesting Blue Lotus, although research is scarce in this particular area. The effects of Blue Lotus seem to differ between different people, but it’s principal effects is what made this plant popular among the Egyptians. A calm sense of euphoria overtakes many users of the plant, more calming than stimulating.
    Depression can be alleviated in this way and, while not permanently, can give the user an opportunity to look at what causes their depression and really take something away from the experience.

    In many people there is actually a mild, stimulant-like effect that is felt after taking Blue Lotus. The sedation is present, but the tingling, body energy sensation of stimulants fills them as well. This calm is a psychoactive property appreciated by it’s users. is found to be great for socializing and spending time with friends and family.

    In addition, many people may help their erectile dysfunction after ingesting Blue lotus. Rather than turn to pharmaceutical drugs many people are turning to this plant as an aphrodisiac. This is especially true if the sexual dysfunction stems from depression.

    1/2 Oz
    Blue Mallow - Malva sylvestris

    In the days of antiquity all mallows were highly revered, though most authors reserved their greatest admiration for the healing virtues of Marsh Mallow. Nevertheless, other species of Mallow such as Malva sylvestris, or the closely related Malva neglecta, were also commonly used, especially among country folk, who, depending on local availability, may not have had easy access to true Marsh Mallow. Mallows are humble and gentle herbs, soothing and cooling in nature. The whole herb including roots, leaves, flowers and seeds are useful and edible and in previous times were commonly eaten as vegetables. Not everybody likes their mucilaginous texture though, when they are served as food, except when it comes in the form of Marshmallow candy. Mallow is also said to stimulate a different sort of appetite: Mallow seeds sprinkled on the private parts are supposed to enhance the sexual appetite in men, while eating the seeds is said to act as an aphrodisiac for women.

    In Italy and Spain it was said that a daily draft of Mallow tea would preserve one against any illness at all. While this sounds a little bit too good to be true, Mallows do soothe a great variety of conditions and are worth keeping in mind. The flowers contain a blue pigment, which was used as a natural 'blue rinse' for greying hair in the days before chemicals were commonly used in cosmetics and hair care. Mallow flowers make a lovely and colorful addition to bathwater, adding their soothing and softening qualities for the benefit of the skin.

    Mallows soothing and softening quality is due to the great quantities of mucilage contained in all parts of the plant. The flowers are particularly useful as a soothing gargle or tea for afflictions of the throat, such as hoarseness or a tickling cough. It is best to make a cold water extract though, as this preserves the soothing qualities of the mucilage compounds much better. A steam inhalation of Mallow, Elderflowers and Chamomile flowers is useful for coughs and pulmonary infections. A steam bath of Mallow flowers is also said to be useful for ear infections. A hair rinse can be prepared that not only serves as a mild dye, but also softens the hair and gives it elasticity, which is especially useful as a tonic conditioner for fragile and easily breaking hair. The rinse can also be used for skin sores, dry or hardened skin, although true Marshmallow may be even more effective in such cases. Mallow softens and moistens anything that is hard and dry.

    Mallow is cooling and soothing, yet due to its mucilage properties it is also useful for stimulating the heat of passion. It can be used as an aphrodisiac and for fertility rites. It can be added to incense mixtures for protection against disease, to enhance fertility and facilitate easy delivery of healthy babies.

    1 Oz
    Blue Violet Leaf - Viola odorata

    Violets are lovely harbingers of spring. Early in the season, when the sun barely warms the ground, they put out their lovely violet flowers, a promise of the coming spring. In mythology, Violets are linked to Jupiter and Io, one of his beloved. Fearing the revenge of his jealous wife, Jupiter changed Io into a Heifer and created Violets so she could feast on this fragrant food. Although these days Violets are not so much used for food or medicine, in the past they were highly respected. Violet syrup and candied Violet flowers were eagerly anticipated seasonal delicacies. Their healing and cosmetic virtues have been equally esteemed since at least the 10th century. Violets yield an extremely rare and precious essential oil which is used in high class perfumery and recently has also found its way into aromatherapy practice.

    Violet leaves are soothing and cooling and can be used to treat swellings and bruises. They also act expectorant and demulcent and may be used for cough, whooping cough, laryngitis and tonsillitis.

    Externally they are indicated for acne, eczema and dermatitis.

    Violet can also be used to stimulate circulation and can relieve fibrosis and rheumatism. Grieves reports anticancer and antitumor activity of the leaves. This may prove a very interesting and promising area of research.

    Blue Violet promotes the body’s own cleansing action and offers targeted support for a healthy lymphatic function. (The lymphatic system includes the liver, spleen, tonsils and thymus glands. It is involved in white blood cell production and immune health). Blue Violet’s legendary effects are maximized in combination with Red Clover and Vervain (Verbena)

    Violets bring peace. They may be used to dispel anger and to cool heated tempers. They ward off evil spirits and protect against nightmares. Violets are sacred to Dionysus and symbolize abundance and fertility, yet they are also associated with death - particularly the untimely death of children. Thus, they can be used to meditate on the mysteries of life, death and rebirth and on the abundance of the earth womb, where all life is created and to which it will return.

    1 Oz
    Blueberry Leaf - Vaccinium myrtillus

    The therapeutic Blueberry leaves are well-known for supporting healthy blood sugar levels. They also contain antioxidant compounds, which provide potent free radical protection.

    Blueberry leaves gently promote fluid balance, help maintain urinary tract health, and is a source of tannins, natural compounds which soothe gastrointestinal distress


    Metaphysical: Protective and associated w/ treachery and deception. It does not return the treachery - just keeps it from reaching you.

    Common Names: Bilberry, Blueberry, Huckleberry, Whortleberry

    1 Oz
    Boneset - Eupatorium perfoliatum

    Native Americans taught the first settlers the benefits of this herb. The name of this herb is rather misleading. Boneset is not used to mend bones. Rather, the name derives from its use to treat a form of flu that was so severe that it was given the name 'break-bone' - it is for this break-bone influenza that boneset was deemed effective.

    Native American used Boneset to combat feverish infections, such as the flu, measles etc. In the old days it was highly valued in cases of intermittent fevers, malaria and even syphilis and yellow fever.
    Its diaphoretic properties help the body to sweat out the infection while gently stimulating and cleansing the other channels of elimination.
    Boneset offers a truly holistic approach to dealing with feverish infections. It is excellent in soothing all the symptoms associated with the flu - congestion of the respiratory tract, pulmonary catarrh, aches and pains, constipation etc. Boneset is also indicated in pulmonary conditions of the elderly where there may be plenty of phlegm, but not enough power of expectoration. It is a gentle aid in cases of muscular rheumatism.

    Not much is known about the magical uses of this herb. It wards of demons of disease and can be used for inner cleansing and protection.

    1 Oz
    Buchu Leaf - Barosna betulina syn. Agathosma betulina

    A fragrant bush, native to South Africa and a member of the Rue (Ruta) family, Buchu leaves belong to the traditional material medica of the San and Khoi-Khoi people.

    Buchu leaves have traditionally been used as a digestive tonic and urinary remedy. Externally an infusion was used as a wash for wounds and as an insect repellent. The Dutch settlers adapted the use of this herb and steeped it in alcohol to soothe stomach troubles. It was introduced to Britain in 1821. Today it is mostly used in combination with other herbs to treat inflammation of the bladder, urethritis, and prostatitis.

    In Africa the herb is considered protective and the leaves are sometimes sprinkled around the house to ward off evil influences. Sometimes also worn as an amulet or used as a protection bath.

    1 Oz
    Calea Zacatechichi (Dream Herb)

    With its common name, Mexican Dream Herb it is no surprise that this plant has been used traditionally to intensify dreams during sleep states. For centuries, the herb has been used by native Mexicans for divination and the inducement of lucid dreaming. The Chontal Indians are known to use Calea zacatechichi to obtain divinatory messages during dreaming. It is considered a healing plant in general and is known by many tribes as ‘Leaf of God’ for its ability to clear the senses as well as induce visions in dreams.

    The leaf has been known to produce a drowsy and relaxed state, that some refer to as dream-like, along with a sense of clarity. A study revealed that C. zacatechichi increased the number of overall dreams experienced, the ability to recall the dreams experienced, and the intensity of hypnagogic imagery experienced while falling asleep. Some reports also state other effects include spontaneous lucid dreams and increased dream clarity and realism


    It has been used for thousands of years in traditional folk medicine as an appetite stimulant, cleansing agent, calming agent, laxative, and for treatment of diarrhea, dysentery, fever, skin rashes, swollen scalps, ‘cold stomach’ and headache.
    If you want to explore your own consciousness, experience more vivid dreams, lucid dream or deepen your relationship with yourself, then Calea Zacatechichi is a must!

    California Poppy - Eschholtzia californica
    This beautiful wildflower is at home on the west coast of America. Its vibrantly glowing orange and yellow flowers are very attractive and thus have easily found their way into our gardens. Native Americans have used this gentle cousin of the opium poppy since pre-historic times. It was traditionally gathered while flowering, when the alkaloid content is highest and used as a mild pain killer for children and to help them go to sleep. Californian Poppy has a calming and soothing effect on the central nervous system, rather than a hypnotic one. It has been used to relieve pain, especially toothaches, and as a relaxant in cases of anxiety, nervousness and stress. According to some recent studies it has shown very good results in the treatment of children who are suffering from ADHS/ADS, anxiety and bedwetting. California poppy is used for depression, long-term mental and physical tiredness (neurasthenia), nerve pain, various psychiatric conditions, blood vessel problems, sensitivity to weather changes, and sedation. An herb combination including California poppy is also used for sleep and mood disturbance associated with strong, warm wind in the Alps (foehn illness). Magical: Californian Poppy is sometimes used in smoking mixes. It can be used as a ritual cup to calm and focus the mind for meditation or ritual practices.
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