Root / Bark / Wood
American Mandrake is indigenous to North America, and was once a traditional Native American remedy. Today, the very potent root is only used in external preparations for skin health and in wart preparations.
Modern medicine has found compounds in the rhizome that are useful against cancer and it is used in the treatment of genital warts and skin cancers in Asia.
It is also under study for use against dropsy, dyspepsia, biliousness, and various liver conditions.
The whole plant, apart from the ripe fruit, is highly poisonous in large doses. American Mandrake herb produces nausea and vomiting, and even inflammation of the stomach and intestines, which has been known to prove fatal. In moderate doses, it is a drastic purgative with some cholagogue action.
Do not use while pregnant, nursing or trying to conceive.Mandrake root is a legendary herb once believed to have magical powers because of its phosphorescent properties – the early morning dew sometimes gives the plant a glowing pale light
.The root is used in powerful protective magic. Mayapple is extremely irritating to the eyes and Mayapple root is used in spells to keep things (like diaries, books of shadows, etc.) hidden from prying eyes. The powder can be sprinkled around the storage area or on the object itself, or around the perimeter of an area where you do not wish to be disturbed. (Remember that Mayapple is a topical poison while doing this. Take care not to let the powder sit on your skin or come in contact with your eyes.)
Kept in a high place in the home, Mayapple root is said to draw prosperity to the home and protect it from bad luck.
This herb is commonly used as a substitution in spells calling for European Mandrake (mandragora)Astragalus, a member of the pea family, started to make an appearance in Western herb shops some 15 years ago, yet, it is still not widely recognized or used, except by those studying Chinese Medicine. Astragalus, like many amazing Herbs of Asian medicine, is another well kept secret.
Also known as Huang qi - 'yellow leader', traditional Chinese medicine regards it as one of the most useful tonics, especially for young people.
It stimulates and strengthens the immune system and promotes the production T-lymphocytes, a type of white blood cell that is vital to the proper function of the body's defense mechanisms. Thus, Astragalus is recommended in all kinds of chronic infections and diseases that compromise the immune system, such as AIDS, Lupus, ME or Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. It can help to reduce spontaneous sweating or night sweats, which are often symptomatic of such conditions.
Astragalus is also highly recommended to aid recovery from chemo- and radiation therapy and in Chinese medicine it is used as a blood tonic and metabolic stimulant.
It acts as an antiviral, diuretic, and vasodilator, which has the effect of increasing blood flow, warming and energizing the system while reducing the blood pressure. Astragalus is a very versatile tonic that can be combined with other herbs to support a specific system or used as a general tonic by itself.
Astragalus is an excellent protective herb, especially against the demons of disease. It can be used to boost Chi and re-establish equilibrium.
Culpepper has this to say: It is of a cold nature; in some it causeth sleep; in others madness, and, shortly after, death. – Culpeper’s Complete Herbal
So what exactly is the deal with it?
According to WebMD, the way belladonna works is that it has chemicals that block nervous system functions. Belladonna was in the past used in small doses as a sedative, to ease bronchial spasms and as a cold and allergy remedy. It's found in remedies for ointments used for joint pain, sciatica and nerve pain. It's been used to control excessive sweating and been found in hemorrhoid suppositories. It's currently being explored in its potential for treating Parkinson’s, nerve problems and some other conditions.
Atropine is used as a poison treatment because it can block or reverse some of the more adverse effects of certain medicines and pesticides. It's ironic how nature works in letting us derive a poison antidote from a highly poisonous plant.It's also used in medicines to dilate the pupils. In fact, this particular use may be how the plant got its name belladonna, which means “beautiful woman” – young ladies of ancient Rome would use it to dilate the pupils to make their eyes alluring and bewitching
The name “Atropa” is from “Atropos”, one of the Greek Fates. It is she who would cut the thread when it was time to end a man’s life.
Because of its toxic nature, belladonna has been used in many death potions, hexes and curses. It's closely associated with the underworld, and used to consecrate and charge tools used to commune with spirits, or in incenses to attract the dead (never burn belladonna indoors and never directly inhale-- in fact, it's best to skip it and use a safer alternative).Belladonna was also occasionally found in beauty spells and potions. There's a legend from the Middle Ages that says the plant was actually an enchanted being and on certain nights it would transform into a beautiful woman who would then lure men to their deaths.
The most well-known use by far, however, is its use as an ingredient in so-called ‘flying ointments’. Folklore tells us these ointments were used by Witches to fly on sticks (or more modernly, broomsticks); however, in reality it is suspected that these ointments were used by ancient shamans and Witches to induce a trance state and astral projection-- a whole different type of 'flying'.
Some say that it was applied vaginally by use of a broomstick handle-- though I question that claim. First because witches weren't even associated with brooms (look at all the paintings and sketches pre-18th century; they're on sticks, not brooms). Second, because it just sounds like an awkward way to apply a lotion.
A lot of these flying ointment recipes have survived until today, with other poisons such as datura and henbane. I recommend you do not use them as these plants can make you permanently mad (if they don't kill you first). There are much safer alternatives to promote astral projection.
In Christian folklore, the devil loved belladonna so much he would guard it most of the year. The only safe time to harvest or kill the plant without enduring his wrath was on May Eve, when he was called away for the 'witches sabbats'.
By some accounts, belladonna was sacred to Bellona, the Roman Goddess of war. This may be another possible root of the plant’s name. Priests of Bellona would drink a belladonna infusion before prayers and meditations-- which no doubt gave them a number of visions (mostly hallucinations, I’m guessing).
By other accounts, it was sacred to Circe, an enchantress or (in some depictions) a Goddess of magic, who was widely known for her expertise with potions and herbs. She was known for using her herbs to transform people who crossed her into animals. If you've read the Odyssey of Homer, the crew comes across Circe's island in their travels. She feeds them but it's laced with potions that turns them into swine.
The graceful birch, lady of the woods, is one of the most sacred trees of northern European traditions. In Scandinavian countries it is deemed as a tree of life. In Britain it is considered sacred to the Maiden Goddess Bridha /Bridget, the shining one who guards over the waters of life.
Birch indeed has an affinity with water. Despite its fragile appearance it is a tough and resilient tree, a pioneer tree that fearlessly populates even quite inhospitable places, bogs and swamps where few other trees would set root. Magically, birch is highly regarded for its life-giving properties. Birch twigs are hung over the stable doors to protect the cattle and ensure the flow of milk. A broom fashioned from birch twigs has special magical powers that can clear out negative energies and to protect against the evil doings of witches.
Folk-magical healing practices recommend birches to restore a failing manhood and to take away the aches and pains of rheumatism, gout and arthritis, usually by weaving a spell into its branches, thus transferring one's own suffering to the tree. The fact that birches were thought to protect against witchcraft did not stop witches from utilizing them for their own purposes and birches were a choice source material for their brooms. Today, the only relic of these ancient beliefs that has survived, is the custom of using birch as a May-tree, the ever popular symbol of fertility around which children still twine their symbolic dance of life.
The therapeutic inner bark of the Birch tree is an important herbal diuretic for urinary tract health. Its natural compounds promote joint comfort; Birch Bark also makes an effective external preparation for skin and muscle health as well. Birch bark plays a prominent role in North American culture. From making beer to its inclusion in many of today’s popular natural toothpastes and hair care formulas.
Birch wood is believed to ward off evil, banish fears, and build courage.
Associated with beauty and tolerance, the Birch's vibration heightens tolerance of oneself and others. Use a Birch Broom to brush out the old year on the morning after Winter Solstice, the longest night of the year. Add the cut bark to protection spells or drink birch beer if you feel you are under psychic attack.
Stripped of its bark, Birch is the traditional Yule Log. Traditionally, Birch twigs were used to light the Beltane fires, and couples paired off to the Birch forests. Later, they began to make the Maypoles out of Birch, setting them up and decorating them as the focal point in the villages. The traditional broom of the Witches was made of birch twigs, and cradles were once made from birch wood for the sole purpose of protecting helpless children.
Birch is sacred to the Maiden Goddess Bridha, the bringer of light. They convey fertility, female power and endurance in adversity, especially with regards to overcoming the growing pains of new beginnings. Birch can serve as a symbol of hope, light and energy that help us get through the dark times. Its affinity with water teaches us to let go of all that is hampering us and blocking our flow.
Native Americans of the Eastern United States highly valued this delightful, conspicuous member of the Buttercup family with its tall flower spike that rises brightly from the thicket of the forest floor. The first settlers soon learned the benefits of this amazing herb and used it as the Natives taught them, for muscular aches and pains, and, most importantly, as an excellent regulating herb for 'female complaints'. Black Cohosh rose to fame with the Eclectic branch of medicine, which valued it highly, but almost sunk into oblivion when the eclectic fad faded away. However, it was noted by some Europeans who took it back to England and Germany. The English planted it in their gardens, while the Germans took it to the laboratory. Thus the knowledge about this wonderful healing herb was preserved even though here in it's native land it had been all but forgotten, until recently. As baby boomers are confronted with the first signs of menopause they are looking for alternatives to the conventional hormone replacement therapy and Black Cohosh is one of the best herbs to fit the bill.
Black Cohosh is one of the best herbs to ally menopausal discomforts, hot flashes, irregular cycle etc. Under close medical supervision it is also of great service as an aid to parturition that can regulate contractions and eases the pain of labor. Black Cohosh is also an excellent nervine and offers pain relief from general rheumatic pains, such as arise from changing weather, or those that are associated with the flu. Nervous tension, ocular muscle strain and associated headaches can benefit from the use of Black Cohosh.
Sacred to the great Goddess Black Cohosh is used in the female mysteries. Black Cohosh is an ally for women at the initiation into the 3rd phase of womanhood. It offers protection and inner guidance by connecting body and soul. It can be used to assimilate the wisdom of the wise wound and draw upon its creative power.
Black Walnut has been used in herbal medicine for thousands of years. It has been used throughout history for treatment of intestinal problems, snakebites, open wounds, ulcers, scurvy, and as one of the most effective laxatives available. Because of its dark color, the outer hull is also used as a dye and was used in brown hair dye until the early 1900s. It is a good source of beta-carotene, acids, calcium, iron, magnesium, manganese, phosphorus, potassium, selenium, silicon, zinc, tannin, B-vitamins, and vitamin C.
Today, the hulls are used to help with many conditions. It is known to be a gentle and effective laxative. Black walnut is known as an effective anti-viral and is used to fix warts, which are caused by viruses. Black walnut is an anti-fungus and has been used to fight herpes, cold sores, athlete’s foot, and Candida. It has been used as an antiseptic to combat illness like sexually transmitted infections and malaria and can be used to treat acne.
Black walnut hulls contain juglone, a chemical that is antibacterial, antiviral, anti-parasitic, and a fungicide. As a skin wash, black walnut hulls are used to treat ringworm and yeast infections of the skin. Taken internally, black walnut hulls are used to treat intestinal worms.
Black walnut is considered a “masculine” tree associated with the element of fire and the sun. Culpepper, in his Complete Herbal, writes,
“This is a plant of the sun. Let the fruit of it be gathered accordingly, which as the most virtual whilst green, before it shells.”In the American Hoodoo tradition, walnut leaves and nuts are used to put jinxes on people. Walnuts are also used to “fall out of love”; Yronwode in her Hoodoo Herb and Root Magic describes a ritual where you make a tea of nine black walnuts (husk and all) boiled in three quarts of water; boiling it till the water evaporates down to 1 quart. You bathe in this water, renouncing ties to the former love, and then throw the water out at a crossroads or against the tree. This kind of bath is not one for the bathtub, but usually done in a smaller tub. Again, we see this expelling or removing quality associated with the walnut present.
Since ancient Greek physicians prescribed blackberry for gout, the leaves, roots, and even berries have been used as herbal medicines. The most common uses were for treating diarrhea, sore throats, and wounds.
According to some English folklore, passing under the archway formed by a bramble branch will cure (or prevent) all manner of afflictions, including hernia, ruptures, pimples, and boils. This has also been used as a remedy for “downer” cows. (I have not found a description of this last healing rite, but I suspect it involves passing the archway over the cow rather than dragging a cow under it.)
Celtic lore said that blackberries were fae fruit, and thus bad luck for people to eat (but blackberry wine was somehow still okay!) Mythology relating both Christ and the Devil to blackberries also made them taboo eating.
According to some Christian lore, Christ’s crown of thorns was made of brambles; thus, the berries were turned from red to black.
Another tale says that Lucifer landed in brambles when he was cast down from heaven and thus he cursed them so that they would be ugly. It is said that he hates them so much, he stomps on them on Michealmas Day and after that, it’s unlucky to harvest them. Other folklore says this happens on Halloween.
Even so, blackberries were considered protective against earthbound spirits and vampires. If planted near a home, a vampire couldn’t enter because he would obsessively count the berries and forget what he was about.
Due to the caustic nature of Bloodroot we only recommend the use of it for Magical purposes.
Magical Uses:
Bloodroot is a popular protective hex-breaker in Voodoo and Rootwork magic. It is also a marriage protector and aids in promoting harmony with extended family members, especially in-laws and helps prevent people from interfering in your marriage.
Bloodroots vary in color with the darker red to brownish roots being considered male or King roots and the lighter orange to pinkish roots being considered female or Queen roots. Combined in a single sachet of red flannel, these are used to encourage a healthy marital sex life by placing the sachet under the couple's mattress. Likewise, a bit of one of each root steeped in liquor, sometimes in combination with other herbs, is said to ensure sexual potency. After the herbs have steeped for several weeks, strain and drink a shot of the liquor to achieve the desired affect.
Place a bloodroot over your door to encourage anyone who enters to respect your marriage.
If you fear someone is trying to break up your marriage, sew some dried bloodroot into yours and your spouse's pillows. Bloodroot can be carried or placed around the home (very high out of the reach of pets and children) as general protection from negative energy or spells or it can be burned to cleanse an area of negative energy.
Assuming you're not expected to eat it or rub it on your body, bloodroot can be used in place of blood in spells. Dried bloodroot can be pounded into powder and added to water to reach the desired consistency.
Also Known as: Borehog Root, Coon Root, Puccoon Root, Red Paint Root, Red Puccoon Root
A native of Eastern and Central North America, this herb is another women's herb whose secrets we have learnt from the Native Americans. Cohosh is an Algonquin name that is also applied to several other (unrelated) species with similar properties.
Blue Cohosh is a specific for easing false labor pains, speeding up parturition and bringing on delayed menstruation. It is a uterine tonic and can even be used in cases of threatened miscarriage. However, Native American women also used it as a contraceptive to prevent unwanted pregnancy. Blue Cohosh is also anti-spasmodic and can be used for colic, nervous cough and asthma and like Black Cohosh, it is indicated for easing rheumatic pain and fever.
Blue Cohosh is an herb of the Great Goddess. It can be used to deepen one's understanding of the female mysteries.
Although it is often despised as a weed, Burdock is one of the most useful healing plants. All parts of the plants, root, leaves and seeds are medicinally very valuable. In Japan it is cultivated as a vegetable. The sticky burrs of Burdock provided the inspiration for Velcro.
The roots in particular have tremendous detoxifying power, a quality also often described as 'blood cleansing'. What that means is that Burdock supports the liver to detoxify and eliminate poisons from the body. Thus, Burdock is often given as a supportive remedy for skin diseases, such as acne, psoriasis or eczema, but its power can be utilized much more broadly wherever a system cleanse is needed!
It is one of the ingredients of the Essiac formula, which is used as an anti-tumor / cancer cleansing remedy.
The root is also very rich in inuline, regulates gallbladder function and is useful in cases of diabetes and liver disease.
Burdock and Nettle root combined make an excellent hair tonic that stimulates hair growth and combats dandruff.
In folk magic Burdock was considered a powerful herb that could protect home and stables and played a role in transfer magic. Being so robust it was thought to be able to withstand diseases much better than a feeble human. By sympathetic magic, (being such a hairy creature), it was hailed as a magic remedy that makes the hair grow
The rhizome of the sweet sedge has long been rumored as a psychoactive substance with possible hallucinogenic properties. However, it seems that it is not Calamus but a similar, possibly related plant that may have such properties- for Calamus this claim has not been substantiated. This confusion stems from a possible mistranslation of a herb's name found in Dioscorides' writings.
Calamus does in fact have stimulating and warming properties that can have a useful therapeutic effect.
Its main application has been in the treatment of stomach complaints and as a detoxifying tonic that rids the body of waste materials
. It is strongly diuretic and can be used in cases of oedema.
Calamus is also reputed to be a powerful nervous system tonic and as a useful herb for the mind and memory. In Tibetan medicine incense containing Calamus root is used therapeutically as a nerve tonic.
Externally, a decoction of Calamus can be added to the bathwater as a stimulating, warming additive, e.g. in inflammatory or scrofulous skin conditions, chilblains and the like and is also said to strengthen feeble children.
Although probably not as an entheogen, Calamus has long played a role in magical herbalism. It has been used for protection, especially from snakes and snake bites, as well as from evil spirits. In medieval Europe the leaves were used as a strewing herb whilst the aromatic roots were burnt as incense. It also has a long tradition as an aphrodisiac in both Europe and Asia, and in India Calamus root is considered nourishment for the Kundalini snake.
The Spaniards learnt the uses of this plant in the 16th century from the Native Americans of the West Coast States, where Cascara is at home. The Natives called it 'Sacred Bark', which the Spaniards simply translated into their own tongue and so it became Cascara Sagrada. It is in fact a cousin of the British Alder Buckthorn tree, though much milder in action. Like Alder Buckthorn bark, Casacara also has to age for at least a year before it can be used. Since 1890 it has been official in the American pharmacopoeia.
Cascara sagrada is an excellent laxative, which gently stimulates the peristaltic movement of the intestines while simultaneously stimulating the bile flow and other digestive juices. It is not cathartic in the dramatic sense of the word, but gentle and resolute, making it suitable even for the elderly. There are many underlying causes that can result in constipation. Cascara can overcome any of them and is particularly useful where bowel tone is lacking. However, although Casacara is extremely gentle in its action and not harmful to the bowels, it is never a good idea to use laxatives continuously for more than a couple of weeks since the body gets habituated to the external stimulation. Cascara sagrada is best mixed with licorice bark, which does a good job of masking the bitter flavor.
Cascara can be used to move through spiritual blockages. Constipation is often a sign of holding on, bottling up, getting stuck, or being prevented from expressing ourselves, resulting in frustration and pent up anger. Cascara can help us release those blockages, it helps with the process of letting go. Cascara is the plant helper that can turn frustration into action and empowerment.
Also known as 'Una de Gato' (Cat's Claw in Spanish), it has long been used as a traditional medicine of the Ashaninka Indians and other tribes of Peru who have employed it for a wide range of conditions. But it was an Austrian Doctor who became aware of this plant and started his own research into its healing properties. His findings were most interesting and suggested that Una de Gato could be usefully employed to treat many degenerative conditions that plague modern life. It did not take long for the fabulous tale of this wonder herb to make its way around the world. Today, Cat's Claw preparations come in every conceivable form, but few places offer the raw inner bark itself. Medicinal: Una de Gato can be described as an alterative, a remedy that helps the body to regulate its functions and restoring proper balance rather than affecting bodily systems with some kind of shock effect. Native people describe it as a gate opener, referring to its properties of clearing obstructions of the gasto-intestinal system. It can therefore be used as a supportive medicine in many chronic conditions, as well as a supportive cancer remedy that helps to alleviate negative side-effects of chemotherapy while supporting the healing process with its own anti-tumor and immune system enhancing properties.
The plant seems particularly useful in the treatment of chronic problems of the digestive system and has helped where other herbs have failed to break patterns of digestive disorders, especially if these involve cramps and convulsions, as the plant has a relaxant effect on the smooth muscles of the digestive tract. Cat's Claw has proved useful as an antioxidant, preventing cell damage from scavenging free radicals and showed antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties. While it does not appear to reduce the swelling of arthritic joints, it does reduce their painfulness.
Today it is employed in a wide range of chronic conditions, including stomach ulcers, Crohn's disease and other intestinal and bowel disorders, genital herpes, osteoarthritis, fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue syndrome, cancer and HIV. He found 4 oxindole alkaloids that Una de Gato enhanced the immune system by extending the half-life of the lymphocytes, the white blood cells responsible for fighting infection, rather than having a direct effect on their proliferation. They also seemed to enhance their actual ability to fight disease causing organisms. Magical: Peruvian shamans regard Una de Gato as a balancer that can restore equilibrium to a system that has become unhinged. It clears obstructions from he various channels, physical and spiritual, that block our flow, the harmonious flow of 'Chi' as the Chinese doctors would say. It can help restore the spiritual balance and release old ties that bind.
The first known writing about Chicory can be dated as far back as 4000 years before the Christian era, in Egyptian papyrus. It was a magical plant and was known for bringing success, and it could make one invulnerable, and done with a ritual make one invisible. It was claimed by Paracelsus 17th century alchemist that chicory, after 7 years, turned into a bird.
Medicinal: Chicory root has been used as liver tonic since the time of ancient Rome. Contemporary herbalists still include it in many liver & gallbladder formulas, and also praise its ability to soothe upset stomach and other digestive discomforts. If your digestive system is working overtime, let Chicory root help you get back on track. It encourages proper digestion of food and nutrients, and its bitter principles stimulate healthy digestive function.
It has quite a few magical properties, including strength, divination, favors, frugality, invisibility, good luck, frigidity, opening of locks, removal of obstacles, and curse removal. Carried on the person in whatever fashion, Chicory is supposed to remove obstacles in your life Frigidity, curse removal, and strength are evoked by either ingesting the herb in a Tea. Can also be used as an incense to purify items of divination (tarot, etc.)
Shamanic Magical Uses: As it is a “clock” flower, meaning that its blossoms open and close with the sun’s hours, it can be used in spells to speed up or slow down time during path walking, but be careful with this sort of thing. The safest “time shifting” use for it is to sprinkle it as part of a spell as you move from one world to another, willing the time gap on the two worlds to line up together. This may help the time distortion problem when the other world is strongly different from ours time-wise.
For centuries, the indigenous people of South America have used various natural herbal remedies to treat all sorts of ailments.
When European sailors exploring South America came down with malaria, many sought treatments from the continent's indigenous healers, which lead to the discovery of Cinchona bark as a natural treatment for malaria symptoms. Today, cinchona bark is commonly used as a natural digestive aid and many find it useful in easing muscle cramps.
Also known as: Cinchona Bark, Fever Tree, Jesuit's Bark, Peruvian Bark, Quina-Q
While It's easy to get excited about using cinchona bark as a natural remedy, it does in fact contain quinine which may cause serious health concerns at high levels.
Also, those with heart conditions should consult a physician before use.
Korintje cinnamon is a variety of cassia cinnamon. Because the names cassia and cinnamon are used interchangeably, it is easy to confuse them. To make matters even more complicated, korintje cinnamon is sometimes called by other names as well. For example, it is sometimes called Padang cassia. The name refers to Cinnamomum burmannii, which is a close relative of the other forms of cassia as well as of true cinnamon (Ceylon cinnamon). In fact, it is the variety with which most people in the U.S. are familiar.
Korintje cinnamon is often rich in the essential oil that is responsible for its flavor, but the oil content can vary depending on the grade of the cinnamon. Korintje cinnamon comes in three grades: A, B, and C. While A grade cinnamon can have a more pungent flavor when compared to other forms of cinnamon, C grade can be somewhat bitter. The highest grade of korintje cinnamon is said to have a smooth, sweet taste with less of the pungent heat of other cassia varieties.
Many fantastic stories are told about this incredible herb, and its common names, bone-knit, boneset, bruisewort, knit bone and the like attest to its healing power.
Comfrey, a member of the Borage family, has long been a standard first aid remedy in any herbal medicine chest. Yet, recent research by the Henry Doubleday Foundation that studied the viability of Comfrey as a food crop, has brought Comfrey into the crossfire. It was found that Comfrey (though it is unclear which species of Comfrey was tested) contains pyrrolizidine alkaloids, which, it appears, caused rats that had been fed on a diet of Comfrey for 6 months to develop liver cancer. Alarm bells went off everywhere cautioning people to avoid Comfrey and labeling it a dangerous herb.
While pyrrolizidine alkaloids do cause cancer of the liver, it should be mentioned that the quantities contained in a normal dose of Comfrey are extremely small. Most herbalists agree that unless vast quantities were consumed on a daily basis it is unlikely that Comfrey would cause any serious damage at all. After all, Comfrey has been used for generations, both internally and externally, without apparent ill effects and many Comfrey fans continue to swear by it, despite the bad press.
However, such matters are nowadays in the hands of regulators who don't really know anything about herbs. Still, to be on the cautious side, use the leaves for internal use and roots externally and don't overdo it - as Paracelsus said: Everything is poison; it's the dose that makes the medicine.
Medicinal Uses:
Comfrey roots can be applied as a poultice for all manner of bruises, sprains or other damage to the connective tissues, including broken bones and badly healing ulcers and sores, as well as for inflammatory swellings.
The internal use of Comfrey roots is considered unsafe and the traditional application of the root for treating stomach ulcers, irritable bowel syndrome and piles, as well as for bronchial afflictions, have been transferred to Comfrey leaves.
CAUTION ; Large doses of Comfrey over an extended period of time is not recommended.
Magical Uses (Applies to both Leaf and Root):
In Medieval times, Comfrey was used in sympathetic magic for healing bones. In modern magical herbalism, it is recommended for safe travels and also to safeguard one's luggage.