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Aniseed (Anise Seed) - Pimpinella anisum

Aniseed is a familiar kitchen herb of the carrot family. Native to the Mediterranean region it has long been used as a spice and medicine in ancient Egypt, Crete and Greece. It was first mentioned in the Ebers papyrus, which dates back to 1500BC. In Egypt it was valued so highly that it was used as a payment of tithe, a tradition King Edward I picked up on in a later era, levying taxes on its import to raise funds for restoring the London Bridge. The Scythians used it in their funeral rites to prepare the corpse of the king. The Romans on the other hand, baked it into their wedding cakes, known as 'mustacae', probably because of Aniseeds reputed aphrodisiac properties.

Pillows stuffed with Aniseed have been used to induce restful sleep and ward off nightmares. It is used as the basis of several strong spirits: Ouzo, Raki and Pernod.

Animals seem to be attracted to by its scent - it is used as bait for mice, and dogs also love the smell- the fake rabbit used in greyhound racing is treated with anise oil.

In the past, Aniseeds were much valued as a muscle relaxant, especially for nervous indigestion, cramps and flatulence, but also, when cooked in milk, as an excellent agent to soothe coughing fits and tight chests. It is mildly galactagogue and old herbals often mention its aphrodisiac properties.

NOTE: Use with caution

Used in love magic to open the heart chakra and clear emotional blockages that may prevent one from finding love. It safeguards the soul on spirit journeys and astral travel and offers protection against nightmares. It may be used to open the inner eye to prepare for divination rituals and psychic channeling. Use it as a special offering if your spirit or totem animals are dogs, or to invoke Anubis.

1 Oz
Castor Beans - Ricin Commun

Grow your own Castor Plants!

The oil extracted from the Beans (which are actually the seed) has been used medicinally for over 3000 Years!

Castor Oil has been noted for pulling out toxins , improving range of motion in tissues / muscles, help with immune system function, cleanse the lymphatic system, and act as a natural laxative

Metaphysically they are used for protection against the evil eye, as well as all negativity. They absorb evil. NOTE: DO NOT INGEST THE BEANS!! Wear gloves when handling as Castor is a natural source for the toxin Ricin.

10 Beans Per Pack
Celery Seed - Apium graveolens
The celery plant of antiquity is rarely found today. It was a bitter plant, though its flowers must have been full of sweet nectar, a pasture for bees, in whose honor the name (and in fact the whole genus Apiaceae) derived its name (apis = bee). Many spice and vegetable plants belong to this genus: carrots, caraway, parsley, parsnip, dill and fennel, to name but a few - but it also harbors some very poisonous species, such as hemlock. Modern celery has lost its unpleasant taste in the process of cultivation and it now makes for a much more tasty spice and vegetable. Old herbals are full of references to its supposed aphrodisiac properties, a reputation it shares with many of its cousins in the same genus.

Traditional: Celery is a powerful diuretic, which makes it useful for all afflictions that call for inner cleansing. It helps to flush out Uric acid crystals that accumulate in painful joints in arthritic conditions and gout and also make a good supportive remedy for rheumatism. It stimulates the metabolism and aids the body's detoxifying process. It also invigorates a flagging sex drive and has a toning effect on the whole system. It is often used as a supportive remedy by those who seek to lose weight.

Magical: The ancients gave this herb to Mercury, who rules the mental processes. Celery helps letting go of negative thought forms and repetitive mental loops that keep us prisoners of our own fear and paranoia. Magically it can be used to cut through such mental ties and help us get in touch with the mercurial energy that can shift our thought process to another, more creative level.
1 Oz
Chia seed - Salvia hispanica

Chia is currently experiencing a renaissance, but where does it come from and why exactly are we hearing so much about it now? It may be a new thing to many of us, but chia seeds have actually been enjoyed for thousands of years! Chia seeds come from the desert plant Salvia hispanica, a flowering member of the mint family that is native to North, Central and South America. We can trace its consumption and use all the way back to 3,000 B.C. where it was a staple of both Maya and Aztec diets. These ancient cultures revered the power of chia for its amazing energy and natural healing powers. One tablespoon of chia was considered capable of sustaining a warrior for 24 hours!

Chia is also known for its association with the iconic long distance-running Tarahumara Indians of Mexico’s Copper Canyon, subject of the New York Time’s Bestselling Book Born to Run, who credit chia seeds as the force behind their extraordinary stamina.

Get Fit & Energized With The Legendary Super Grain!
Chia is good for: Boosting stamina, its an excellent Protein-packed superfood and a good Vegetarian source of calcium & omega-3s
Experience long-lasting energy and all day stamina with Chia seed – the superfood of the ancient Aztec & Mayan cultures. The tiny seed packs a big nutritional punch with protein, fiber and more heart-healthy Omega-3s than Flax seed!
Chia is the legendary super grain with all the modern health benefits. It provides calcium for strong bones; fiber for colon & blood sugar health; beneficial fats for energy, plus appetite-curbing protein.

Magically speaking it is good for Protection and stopping gossip when mixed with Slippery Elm Bark and burned as an incense !

1 Oz
Coix Seed (Job's Tears)

Discover the incredible benefits of Coix Seed (Job's Tears) - this powerhouse ingredient is packed with antimicrobial, antiviral, antitoxin, and wound healing properties. Not only that, it's also known for its anti-aging, diuretic, immunomodulatory, antioxidant, and anti-inflammatory benefits. Don't miss out on this natural wonder - add Coix Seed to your routine today!

Job’s Tears, have a rich history steeped in folklore, where they are believed to bring protection, good luck, and ward off evil spirits.

1 Oz
Cumin Seed - Cuminum cyminum

A member of the carrot family, Cumin is mostly associated with the exotic cuisines of Asia and Asia Minor. In ancient Greece it was a common culinary herb mentioned by all the old herbalists. In India it is not only one of the most important ingredients of curry powder, but also finds use in Ayurvedic and Unani medicine. Placed in a little bag among the linen it keeps moths and insects out of cupboards. In ancient Greece, Cumin symbolized stinginess and those who kept their fists too tight were said 'to have eaten Cumin'. This was probably an allusion to not paying one's dues, since at that time Cumin was used as common form of payment for taxes. Well-known for his stinginess, Marcus Aurelius even bore the nickname 'Cumin'. Pliny relates another, rather unusual use of Cumin - apparently, if applied to the skin Cumin paste bleaches it, a property students knew to exploit in a whimsical effort to convince their teachers that they had been spending long hours indoors, studying.

Cumin has an earthy, slightly sweaty aroma - what some would describe as a 'male' scent. It is indeed often added to cosmetics for men, such as aftershaves. Some women find just a hint of Cumin 'sexy' and it is said to stimulate desire. Perhaps this is why Cumin is so immensely popular in Latin American countries.

Cumin is rarely used medicinally these days, though it is useful to be aware of its properties as a stimulating, carminative digestive aid. It can dispel flatulence and a bloating sensation. It can also be useful to ally digestion 'headaches' and to stimulate sluggish digestion.
As a gargle it can soothe blisters of the mouth. Mixed with salt it can be rubbed into the gums to reduce soreness and swelling.
Unani medicine also uses Cumin to treat chronic fever, diarrhea, hemorrhoids, boils, chronic fever, scorpion stings and insomnia.
In Ayurveda it is used to reduce nausea during pregnancy and increase the flow of milk in lactating mothers. It also reduces swollen breasts or testicles.

Cumin can be used to attract a lover (especially by men). It stimulates the base chakra and rouses desire. It protects against evil spirits and venomous beasts. Cumin can be used to contemplate the laws of manifestation (especially with regards to money) and to meditate on the balance of give and take.

1 Oz
Dill Seed - Anethum graveolens

Dill is a well established herb in our kitchens, though over the years it has lost some ground in the medicine chest.
The ancients knew it well and used it extensively, not just to pickle cucumbers (which is a very ancient custom), but for a whole range of conditions and complaints. Dioscorides describes how to make Dill oil and Dill wine. Distilled Dill water was also commonly available at any apothecary - particularly recommended to calm wailing babies. It is thought that Dill is native to Southern Europe and the near East. A closely related species found in India may be native or may be a subspecies that developed from seeds left behind by early traders along the spice route.
Both Dill seed and herb are utilized, although the seed is medicinally more active. The whole herb also played a significant role in various folk-magical customs.

Like almost all our culinary spices Dill is an excellent digestive herb. It is a warming, stimulating carminative that incites the appetite, soothes cramping and nausea and dispels flatulence. Old herbals also recommend it for hiccup. Chewing Dill seeds is recommended for bad breath. Dill also stimulates the menstrual flow and eases menstrual cramps. Wailing babies are quickly soothed with Dill water or tea - it calms the tummy and procures sleep. However, probably Dill's most useful action is as an excellent galactagogue, stimulating the flow of milk in nursing mothers.

Dill has long been used as a magical herb - not only by the witches themselves, but also to protect against their evil doings. Dill is hung above doorways for protection, or strewn about the stables for the same purpose. Cows are given a drink of Dill and Caraway immediately after giving birth to their calves - to protect them against the jealous witches that might steal their milk. Dill protects against the evil eye, and it is thought to work magic in court hearings. It was also used weather magic: burning the seeds was thought to dispel the thunder clouds. Dill is an herb of protection especially against the negative energies of jealousy and envy.

1 Oz
Fennel Seed - Foeniculum vulgare

The health benefits of fennel include relief from anemia, indigestion, flatulence, constipation, colic, diarrhea, respiratory disorders, menstrual disorders, and benefits regarding eye care.

Put Fennel in sachets for longevity, fertility, love, healing, strength, and to prevent negativity. When this herb is used for incense, its energies of purification, healing, longevity, vitality, strength, courage, and protection are released.

1 Oz
Flax seed (Flaxseed) - Linum usitatissimum

People use flaxseed for many conditions related to the gastrointestinal (GI) tract, including ongoing constipation, colon damage due to overuse of laxatives, diarrhea, inflammation of the lining of the large intestine (diverticulitis), irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) or irritable colon, sores in the lining of the large intestine (ulcerative colitis), inflammation of the lining of the stomach (gastritis), and inflammation of the small intestine (enteritis).

Flaxseed is also used for disorders of the heart and blood vessels, including high cholesterol, “hardening of the arteries” (atherosclerosis), high blood pressure (hypertension), and coronary artery disease.

Flaxseed is also used for acne, attention deficit-hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), kidney problems in people with a disease called systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE), symptoms of menopause, and breast pain. It is also used for diabetes, obesity and weight loss, HIV/AIDS, depression, bladder infections, malaria, and rheumatoid arthritis.

Other uses include treatment of sore throat, upper respiratory tract infections (URTI), and cough.

Some people use flaxseed to lower their risk of getting weak bones (osteoporosis) and to protect against breast cancer, lung cancer, colon cancer, and prostate cancer


Flaxseed is sometimes applied to the skin for acne, burns, boils, eczema, psoriasis, and to soothe inflammation.

Since Flax used to be such an enormously economically important plant there are many rites and customs associated with the herb, most of which focus on encouraging the Flax to grow plentifully and tall (tall flax=long fibers). In modern practice Linseed can be used for fertility and prosperity magic. The seeds are also said to offer protection against evil sorcery. The oil may be used as magical lamp fuel or as a base for anointing oils.

1 Oz
Milk Thistle Seed - Silybum marianum
Milk-thistle is a strikingly beautiful member of its family - with its sharply serrated, white veined leaves they cannot be overlooked. The name 'Milk-thistle' refers to a legend according to which 3 drops of holy milk from the Virgin's breast is said to have dropped on to the leaf, forever marking it as an herb of our Lady (formerly known as the Great Goddess).

Pliny, who wrote about the history of the natural world in the first century, already mentioned Milk-thistle as a wholesome food. In rural areas of Mediterranean countries thistles are still commonly eaten as vegetables. The most eminent member of the thistle family, the artichoke, has even conquered the plates and palates of the most discerning gourmands around the world. The Milk-thistle lacks the large globular flower bud of its cousin, but is just as edible and perhaps even more wholesome. What we particularly appreciate about this herb are not its petals but its seeds. Milk-thistle has drifted in an out of medical awareness over the course of the centuries, at times being very popular, then being half forgotten only to return to popularity once more some decades later on. It is lucky that this wonderful healing herb has never been completely forgotten, for its liver protective powers are truly amazing. It is the only known agent capable of protecting the liver against the deadly mycotoxin of the Death Cap.

Medicinal: Today, it is mostly the seed of the Milk-thistle that is used medicinally.

They are strongly liver protective and can be use for all kinds of chronic affliction of the liver, gallbladder and spleen. Numerous scientific studies have shown that Milk thistle seeds even have the power to reverse liver damage and are one of the few effective agents for treating hepatitis C and jaundice. They are, in fact, the only known substance that can regenerate damaged liver tissue. The seeds protect against the toxic effects of chronic alcohol poisoning as well as a range of other chemical environmental toxins that may be encountered in the workplace. The seeds can be given for acute as well as for chronic conditions and may be a great support for the liver when coping with the chemical barrage of chemotherapy.

Milk-thistle seed has shown anti-tumor activity and is a highly effective against the damaging work of free radicals. In the past they were also given to help ease the pain of gallstone colic and to break down kidney stones. Milk-thistle may also stimulate the secretion of milk in lactating mothers. Milk thistle is also indicated for certain types of depression that are due to malfunctioning of the liver or chemical imbalance.

Magical: Milk-thistle can be used for protection and to dispel the negative daemons of gloom and doom. It attracts good spirits and helps to fend off all evil influences. The name suggests that prior to becoming associated with the Virgin Mary this herb belonged to the Great Goddess
1 Oz
Woad Seed

An important dye plant, yielding a blue dye which was used by the ancient Celts as a body-paint. Native to the Caucasus Mountains, west and central Asia; this is one of the oldest dye plants known. Seeds have been found in Neolithic sites and ancient Egyptians used it to dye mummy wrappings.

Economically important in Europe in the Middle Ages, the Woad industry was decimated by the introduction of Indigo from India in the late 1500s. There was even a French edict that forbade using Indigo under pain of death. Seedpods are attractive in dried arrangements. Showy yellow flowers in early spring (2nd Year)
1 Gram bag / ~ 120 seeds / Viable
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