Goldenrod (Golden Rod) - Solidago virgaurea

1 Oz
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This plant is very aptly named, for it is indeed a golden rod when the stem is beset with its golden flowers.
The Latin name, Solidago means 'makes whole', which alludes to the plants former primary use as a wound herb. Back in the Middle Ages various different wound herbs were all bunched together under this generic term. Linné gave Golden Rod its by-name 'virga aurea' which means - golden rod, and these days is often shortened to virgaurea.
There are various different species of Goldenrods, several of which are used medicinally, while others are used as a tea herb to make a simple herbal beverage. However, S. virgaurea is quite bitter
. The golden flowers are like sunbeams caught as flowers, yet not everybody is happy to see them - Goldenrod, often gets the blame as one of the worst offenders during hay fever season. Probably unfairly so, as it is much more likely that Fleabane is the real culprit - Goldenrod on the other hand, is indicated as a healing herb to soothe the symptoms of asthma and hay fever.

The old herbalists praise this herb for its wound healing abilities, for which it was used inwardly and outwardly. It staunches bleeding and speeds the healing process.
It has been used to treat the symptoms of a cold and as a gargle for sore throat.
But what this herb really excels in is the treatment of kidney and bladder conditions. It appears to be a specific for the kidneys and can restore them like no other herb. It acts as a strengthening, cleansing tonic that purifies bladder and kidneys in case of infection and can even clear stones and gravel.
It is also indicated to treat oral or vaginal thrush caused by candida as it appears to have antifungal properties that are active against this yeast.

The rods once used to be used as dowsing rods to search for water veins or hidden treasures. Incidentally they were also said to mark the spot (grow) where treasure had been hidden.

  • Availability: 35 In Stock