Bloodroot - Sanguinaria canadensis

1 Oz

Due to the caustic nature of Bloodroot we only recommend the use of it for Magical purposes.

Magical Uses:
Bloodroot is a popular protective hex-breaker in Voodoo and Rootwork magic. It is also a marriage protector and aids in promoting harmony with extended family members, especially in-laws and helps prevent people from interfering in your marriage.

Bloodroots vary in color with the darker red to brownish roots being considered male or King roots and the lighter orange to pinkish roots being considered female or Queen roots. Combined in a single sachet of red flannel, these are used to encourage a healthy marital sex life by placing the sachet under the couple's mattress. Likewise, a bit of one of each root steeped in liquor, sometimes in combination with other herbs, is said to ensure sexual potency. After the herbs have steeped for several weeks, strain and drink a shot of the liquor to achieve the desired affect.

Place a bloodroot over your door to encourage anyone who enters to respect your marriage.

If you fear someone is trying to break up your marriage, sew some dried bloodroot into yours and your spouse's pillows. Bloodroot can be carried or placed around the home (very high out of the reach of pets and children) as general protection from negative energy or spells or it can be burned to cleanse an area of negative energy.

Assuming you're not expected to eat it or rub it on your body, bloodroot can be used in place of blood in spells. Dried bloodroot can be pounded into powder and added to water to reach the desired consistency.

Also Known as: Borehog Root, Coon Root, Puccoon Root, Red Paint Root, Red Puccoon Root

  • Availability: 12 In Stock