Woodruff - Asperula odorata

1 Oz

Sweet Woodruff is native to northern and central Europe, Siberia and northern Africa, but now cultivated in North America. This aromatic herb soothes nervousness, and restlessness and occasional sleeplessness.

Woodruff has been used since the Middle Ages both for culinary and medicinal purposes. The leaves were added to flavor wines, liquors, cakes, and fruit salads. In other applications, Woodruff was and still is used in potpourris and sachets. The dried leaves have the scent of new-mown hay, vanilla and honey.

NOTE: There seems to be some disagreement regarding the use of this herb.. some sites regard it as potentially poisonous in large quantities and can increase the risk of bleeding... use at your own discretion and with caution.
Do not use if Pregnant or Breastfeeding.

Sweet Woodruff is associated with protection, victory, money, and male sexuality. It was once used by Catholics, hung in cathedrals and churches to ward off evil. According to Mrs. Grieve's Modern Herbal, Sweet Woodruff was 'hung and strewn in churches, and St. Barnabas Day and on St. Peter's, bunches of box, Woodruff, lavender and roses found a place there.'

This is a wonderful herb to incorporate into Beltane celebrations by wearing the leaves, or decorating the sacred space with sprigs of the leaves and flowers, or by adding it to wreaths.

In Rodale's Illustrated Encyclopedia of Herbs it is said that this herb was used in Germany to flavor May wine to celebrate the coming of spring, a tradition that dates back to the 1200's.

Sweet Woodruff can be used in rituals that honor Gods associated with the woodland, such as Herne and Cernunnos, and used in spells to stir male sexuality.

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