Clove Bud

1/2 Oz

Made from Steam Distillate of Eugenia caryophyllata

  • Aromatherapy and Aromatic Inhalation: Oils are easily diffused into the air, and diffusers provide the perfect way to practice aromatherapy. Essential oils, when diffused, help create greater spiritual, physical, and emotional harmony with therapeutic benefits.
  • Body and Skin Care products: A therapeutic, fragrant ingredient in personal body and skin care products when added to vegetable/carrier oils, massage oil, lotions, and baths.

Spicy and heartwarming, Clove Bud essential oil is a powerful cleaner for the home, especially during seasonal illness. When diffused, it can be an added tool to support a healthy immune system. Clove bud can be used as part of an autumn or winter holiday blend with sweet orange, cinnamon bark/leaf, and ginger or nutmeg to create a warm, cozy, inviting atmosphere.

When highly diluted with your favorite carrier oil, it can be massaged on the outer jaw of adults to help with the occasional toothache; similarly, it can be massaged over aching joints which come with normal wear and tear or aging.

  • Availability: 8 In Stock