Lovage Root - Levisticum officinale

1 Oz

Lovage is used as “irrigation therapy” for pain and swelling (inflammation) of the lower urinary tract, for prevention of kidney stones, and to increase the flow of urine when urinary tract infections or fluid retention is present.

Lovage is a flowering plant in the same family as carrots, parsley, and dill. Its dark green leaves resemble cilantro, while the stalks resemble celery. The herb is sweeter but stronger than celery.
Brought from Europe as both a food and as a medicinal, it now grows wild in the United States in New England, the Great Lakes states, Wyoming, Colorado, and New Mexico.
For centuries, it has been thought of as a good ingredient to add to love potions. During the 1800s, a cordial made from lovage, tansy, and yarrow was widely available as a folk remedy for an upset stomach.

Random Historical Fact: Charlemagne was said to have liked the sight of lovage so much so that he had the grounds of his estate populated with it.

Both the root and leaf can be used.

NOTE: Not for use in pregnancy, except under the supervision of a qualified healthcare practitioner.

Main uses: love, passion Other uses: beauty, cleansing, consecration, money, protection, psychic protection, purification.

  • Availability: 22 In Stock