
1/2 Oz

Made from Steam Distillate of Cupressus sempervirens

  • Aromatherapy and Aromatic Inhalation: Oils are easily diffused into the air, and diffusers provide the perfect way to practice aromatherapy. Essential oils, when diffused, help create greater spiritual, physical, and emotional harmony with therapeutic benefits.
  • Body and Skin Care products: A therapeutic, fragrant ingredient in personal body and skin care products when added to vegetable/carrier oils, massage oil, lotions, and baths.

Cypress Essential Oil originates from Spain and is steam distilled from the leaves of the Cypress tree. Cypress has a fresh, clean aroma that is herbaceous, spicy, with a slightly woody evergreen scent. This oil is a favorite because of its many therapeutic properties. Cypress can be used to support a healthy respiratory system, give emotional strength, and ease “spider” veins that are a normal part of aging.

Cypress is ideal for supporting a healthy respiratory system all year long, especially during times of seasonal illness attacks. The uplifting aroma has a very soothing emotional quality that provides comfort during times of grief and sadness.

Not to be used during pregnancy or while nursing.
  • Availability: 3 In Stock